About us

At Odix, we are committed to transforming the medical rehabilitation landscape with cutting-edge technology designed to enhance patient recovery and quality of life. Founded in October 2020, we are a dynamic Belgian start-up driven by a team of dedicated professionals. Our three founders, with extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, bring unparalleled expertise and vision to our innovative efforts, shaping the future of rehabilitation.

Our primary goal is to tackle low back pain, a major cause of disability. To support the successful launch of our first product by the end of 2026, we are actively seeking strategic financial and business partners.



Project pipeline

  • Feasibility
  • Engineering Prototype
  • Pilot Clinical Trial
  • Design & Engineering Pivotal Clinical Studies
  • Registration
  • Feasibility
  • Engineering Prototype
  • Pilot Clinical Trial
  • Design & Engineering

    Pivotal Clinical Studies

  • Registration
  • LumbaCure®

The Pathology

Based on the "Global burden disease study”, Low Back Pain was classified as the most harmful, non-fatal disease and the leading cause of disability worldwide with high socio-economic impact. Back pain results in subjectively impaired health, reduced performance in everyday life and work, and even withdrawal from social life or complete loss of quality of life. Back pain leads to absenteeism from work and reduced productivity. The condition affects at any time 30 mio of people in US and 60 mio of people in Europe (prevalence > 7.5%). The expectations for the next 30 years are a gradual worsening of those figures by a factor of 1.5. Patients with back pain are therefore a major challenge for the healthcare system. Furthermore, the restriction of participation and quality of life associated with the disease calls for innovative new therapeutic approaches that lead to a faster and lasting reduction of back pain.

Mattiuzzi et al. 2020 – Current epidemiology of low back pain – Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy Dutmer et al. 2019 – Personal and societal impact of low back pain

Leading cause
of disability

+ 550 Mio cases

1 to 2 % of
Gross Domestic


Our solution answers a current unmet medical need and offers an innovative therapeutic approach to LBP rehabilitation. LumbaCure® is a mobile seating platform driven by a proprietary movement algorithm to deliver an active and low back-specific mobilization. The result of this unique mechanism of action is the reduction of the fear of movement, the enhancement of lower back awareness, the increase in spinal mobility and the reduction of pain. The second component of the LumbaCure® equipment is a native patient interface delivered through Augmented Reality (AR), focusing on patient motivation, cognitive behavioral therapy and individualized care. It includes a data acquisition tool to provide real-time feedback to patients and therapists. This data is also essential for the future development of predictive medicine tools through AI.

This combination of an active spinal mobilization in a seated position with patient interface is unique on the market and allows us to tackle both the physical and psychological aspects of the condition. The device is used primarly within the rehabilitation program by the physiotherapists, increasing the number of patients responding positively to rehabilitation by 50%.

This project is financially supported by SPW Wallonia DGO6.


Follow us on Linkedin and Euroquity to see our upcoming events and capital increase

To achieve our mission, we are looking for financial partners. LumbaCure®'s market launch is planned for the end of 2026.


Odix is open to partnering in other innovative projects, related to our field of expertise. Different types of partnerships are possible: co-development, joint ventures for projects at different levels of maturity, or un-exploited patents. We are also open to co-development partners specifically to advance our device, particularly in enhancing the patient interface. Interested? Contact us for more information.


We are looking for partnerships for the global distribution and commercialization of our LumbaCure® device, with a particular focus on the U.S. market.

Want to present us your
project or new idea ?


Gordenne Valerie
founder & CEO

Industrial pharmacist with more than 20 years of experience in pharma industry in drug development, regulatory and manufacturing, former CSO of Mithra Pharmaceuticals


Frankenne Francis
founder & CSO

Doctor in Biochemistry, at the origin of the idea of LumbaCure® project, creation of Mithra's research Department and research portfolio Management (2000 - 2012), former CEO of Belma s.a. and Themise s.a.


Delcorps Xavier
founder & CCO

Master in Sport Sciences & Kinesiology with 25 years' experience in Medical Devices, International Business Development, former CCO Spentys s.a.


Deflandre Sophie
project leader

Graduated in Biomedical Engineering from ULiege in 2021 and trained in entrepreneurship at HEC


Financial partners


Do you want to participate in the future of orthopedic rehabilitation?

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